Got a question that’s been troubling you? Maybe it’s something like the ones listed below or maybe it’s something entirely different. Either way, I’m here to answer your questions. Just go to my contact page, or scroll down and add your question at the end of this post.
Need help with menu planning? Want to know how to adapt a recipe to meet a dietary need? Have a question about an ingredient substitute?
Did you see something in the grocery store that looks interesting, but you don’t know what to do with it? Like these garlic scapes below?

Interested in a new way to cook the same ol’ chicken breasts? Need some ideas about how to change up main dish salads to make them more interesting?

Need an idea for a show-stopping but easy dessert?

Want to know what is in season? Or “Just how good are those sprouts for me, anyway?”

Whatever you need help with, just type in your question below and I’ll get you an answer; and remember, there is no such thing as a dumb question!